Ayurved Clinic Dubai to be the best choice of Authentic Ayurveda Treatment Centre in Dubai for all health issues.

Contact Info
  • Ayurved Clinic FZ LLC
  • Suit 3001, 3rd Floor, A Block, Al Razi Medical Complex, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai.

Ayurved Clinic Dubai to be the best choice of Authentic Ayurveda Treatment Centre in Dubai for all health issues.

Contact Info
  • Ayurved Clinic FZ LLC
  • Suit 3001, 3rd Floor, A Block, Al Razi Medical Complex, Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai.

Joint Pain & Muscle Ache

Joint Pain & Muscle Ache

Knee Pain

Knee pain is one of the common conditions seen today. It is most often associated with the wear and tear off our day to day activities like walking, running, exercise, lifting weight, bending and even standing for long time.

Our Ayurvedic treatment for joint pain is done by through analysis and understanding the underlying cause thereby, helping to reduce the pain and swelling and correct the joint / muscle issues through Authentic Ayurvedic Treatments. Ayurveda is always a best treatment of choice for joint pain and muscle Aches.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder is a condition that affects the shoulder joints associated with severe pain and stiffness restricting the joint movements. According to Ayurveda it’s a vata and kapa imbalance. Good options are available with Ayurvedic treatments to correct these doshas. Dr. Smitha Ashok is well experienced and has signature therapies for the treatment of Frozen Shoulder. The Frozen Shoulder treatments include Kashaya dhara, Pichu, Thaila dhara, Nasyam , Udhwarthanam, Abhyangam, Shirodhara, etc.

Tennis Elbow

IT is a painful condition that occurs when the tendons in the elbow are damaged or got inflamed due to overuse or any other reasons. The pain may extend to back of the forearm and grip strength may weak.
Ayurvedic treatment for Tennis elbow focuses on increasing circulation, decreasing degeneration and rejuvenating the damaged muscles. Ayurved Clinic treatments include Lepam, Kizhi bandage and Dhara focusing the affected area.

Lepam – Application of appropriate herbal powder over the affected area which relieves pain and Inflammation.
Bandage – Followed by Lepam our doctor has special bandage treatments for Tennis Elbow.

Heel Pain

Heel Pain (Calcaneal Spur) is a bony out growth from the Calcaneal tuberosity (Heel bone). It is a calcium deposit causing spur like protrusion on the under side of the heel bone. According to Ayurveda vitiated vada dosha in the ankle joint and heels results in Calcaneal Spur. The body spur causes severe pain in the heel and the ankle joint. Ayurved Clinic FZ LLC offers best treatments for Calcaneal Spur. Ayurvedic treatments include special therapeutic oil massage at the foot (pada abhyangam), Kashaya dhara, Pichu, Kizhi, etc.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a condition that causes pain, numbness and tingling in the hand and arm. This happens when the median nerve is compressed when it passes through the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Ayurvedic treatments includes Abhyangam, Pizhichil, Njavara Kizhi, Naranga kizhi, Steam therapy, etc.

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