Ayurvedic Post natal Care

Ayurvedic Herbal oil massage to a very great extend can reduce the stress and strain of labour. Always start therapies after consultation with Ayurvedic Physician. Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and to avoid Urinary Infections. Take rest by lying down in supine position especially, the first three months after the delivery. Take utmost care to your Diet as it is very important for the wellbeing of both Mother and Baby.

Ayurved Clinic FZ LLC offers post natal care under the guidance of experienced Doctors which helps the mother in many aspects. Medicated warm oil bath and kizhi followed by herbal water bath helps to strengthen the lower back and reduce the stress and strain happened during the time of pregnancy.After the herbal water bath tummy is wrapped in a peculiar manner to tone the muscles and to regain the pre-pregnant shape.